Jade-S Crab Cakes (Thai Style)

The Jade-S Crab Cakes - these are our favourite crab cakes. The original recipe was given to us by our lovely neighbour and cook-extraordinaire Marilyn! We’ve adapted it to our taste but credit goes to Marilyn for this one! It also works well with fish as a substitute for the crab!



  • 1 tub of Jade-S picked crab meat (1/2 pound/226g)

  • 120g mashed potatoes (for a special Jersey twist use Jersey Royals)

  • 1 egg yolk

  • 1 egg (beaten)

  • Fresh, grated ginger (1/2 – 3/4tsp)

  • Fresh, finely chopped lemon grass (1/2 – 3/4tsp)

  • Fresh, chopped coriander (1 tbsp.)

  • 1 garlic clove, crushed

  • 10 ml fish sauce (2 tsps.) – try Eastern Delights in town!

  • Juice from ¼ lemon

  • 50g plain or seasoned flour

  • 100g breadcrumbs

  • Salt & pepper

  • Oil


  1. Mix together; crab [breaking apart any large pieces], mashed potato, egg yolk, ginger, garlic, lemon grass, fish sauce, coriander, lemon juice. Season with salt & pepper.

  2. Divide & shape into circular cakes. You can do this to any thickness you like but ½ inch to 1 inch is recommended. Place them onto a plate.

  3. Cover the crab cakes in the flour (if you sprinkle a plate or chopping board in the flour first it can be easier!). Then cover them in the egg.  Next cover then in the breadcrumbs (again having a prepared surface with the bread crumbs can be easier!). Make sure the cake is covered in the breadcrumbs; top, bottom and sides.

  4. Place the crab cakes in the fridge for at least 20 mins. This helps them bind.

  5. Add oil to a frying pan & heat. Fry the crab cakes for 2-3 mins per side. Serve with sweet chilli sauce.

top tip.jpg

For a little kick add some finely chopped red chillies!

Don’f forget to share & tag your creations on social media!


How to Store & Cook Scallops