How to Store & Cook Chancre (Brown) Crabs
It’s best to cook your crab the day it arrives. Crabs are highly perishable but can be stored for 24-48 hours by wrapping them in a damp towel and storing in the front of the refrigerator. Crabs will perish if they dry out, so the longer they are stored the greater the risk they will dry out and perish. Crabs are saltwater creatures, do not store them in tap water.
Cooking your crab(s):
Put your crab to sleep by placing in the freezer for up to 2 hours.
Fill a large cooking pot ¾ full of water and add 12 tablespoons of sea salt for each gallon (3.8 litres) of water, add bay leaves (optional).
Bring the saltwater to the boil and add your crab(s) to the pot, they should be fully submerged in the water.
Boil your crabs(s) for 12-15 minutes per kilo. Keep the lid on the pot and stir half-way through cooking time.
Cooked crab should be bright red once done.
Take the crab out of the pot and let stand for 3-5 mins before serving. You should remove the grey gills or ‘deadman’s fingers’ as these are tough and indigestible.
Add a handful of bay leaves to the boiling salted water! This helps reduce the smell & some say it gives a lovely hint of flavour to the meat.
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